Collection Registry

Agent editor

Editor options

Mandatory Elements

The nature or genre of the agent Based on an internal controlled vocabulary that mainly distinguishes between natural persons and organizational units.
A name or proper noun or noun phrase Should contain a person´s surname or the name of the described organisation. It is recommended to follow the naming conventions provided by the GND.

Extended Description

Place Country
Contains postal addresses, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual.
Provides an email address related to the agent Only provide email addresses when you can be sure that they will stay responsive for as long as the collection description is meant to be public or you have the resources to update them.
Provides a web page related to the ressource Only provide web pages when you can be sure that they will stay online for as long as the collection description is meant to be public or you have the resources to keep them alive.
Provides a phone number related to the agent Only provide phone numbers when you can be sure that they will stay online for as long as the collection description is meant to be public or you have the resources to keep them update.
  • agentImages{}
Agent image
A statement of any access restrictions placed on the collection A controlled vocabulary will be provided and maintained by DARIAH-DE based on the free-texts currently entered.

Context information

An identifier that references an entry in the Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) To ensure interoperability and to prevent ambiguities, please set a GND ID wherever applicable.
Unambiguous references to the resource within an already existing context like an institution or an application In case your resource is already supplied with one ore more identifiers which you would like keep on using to maintain interoperability. The attribute normdataRecord holds information about any normdata record the provided identifier is taken from.


The superordinate or parent agent With this field a hierarchical dependency can be expressed such as person-agents belonging to an oranization or an organizational unit being part of a superordinate organizations.
The subordinate or child agents A list of superordinate or child agents in the agent hierarchy. This list is informational only. Parent-child relations need to be specified with the description of the child agent.
Collections assigned to this agent This list contains all collections, which have been assigned to this agent. This list is informational only. Collection-agent relations need to be specified with the description of the collection.

Identification & Administration

Permanent link to the agent This ID and link provide a reference to the latest revision of this agent description.
Permanent link to this version This ID and link provide a reference to exactly this revision of this agent description. After saving, the agent receives a new version ID.
Creation of this version The timestamp and user of thist version of the agent description.
Creation of the initial description The timestamp and user of the first version of this agent description.